Shirt Grab Defenses


Welcome to our course on ‘Shirt Grabs’

Shirt grabbing may not sound like much … but it’s often what comes afterward – it is a problem!

They could pull you to the ground, hold your shirt while their friend attacks you … or much worse.

By preventing it from escalating from the start … you may save yourself from a lot of problems.

There are many different forms of shirt grabbing.

From attackers using one hand, two hands, grabbing you from the front, grabbing you from the back … pulling you towards the ground or much worse.

Rest assured … the techniques you’re about to learn will help you solve the most common problem.

We show you how to prevent them or get out of them quickly and deliver further attacks at the same time to disable your opponent so you can escape freely and safely.

With that said … there are a few basic techniques you need to know to deliver the attacks that come after.

So the first part of this course will show you the basic attack fundamentals.

After that, we’ll show you the more technical aspects of shirt grabbing and the solutions.

With that said … let’s get started!

Warm Regards

Lyndon Buzetzky
Krav Maga Connect

3 Stances

Main Steps Involved:

  • Passive: Standing normally with hands down feet about shoulder width apart
  • Semi passive: Same as passive but bring hand up and in front. Keep hands open and place elbows on the rib area
  • Outlet stance (fight stance): Same as the semi-passive but a step forward. Step forward in a normal comfortable stepping range keeping legs shoulder-width apart (like the other stances) and torso straight. Use the ball of the foot for the rearfoot, and the front foot should be planted flat.

Moving In A Fight Stance 

Main Steps Involved:

  • Step forward into fight stance by taking a normal step forward and keeping feet comfortably apart, about shoulder width
  • Keep front foot flat and the rear foot on the ball of the foot
  • Whatever direction you want to move, the closest foot to that direction of travel leads first, and the opposite foot should follow
    E.g. left- left foot moves left then right foot follows and moves left ensuring to step at a comfortable distance

Moving And Scanning

Main Steps Involved:

  • After defending an attack, you must move and scan to look for other attackers
  • You must make space and get off the straight line of the attacker, exiting to the side and remaining in your fight stance.
  • Look left to right until you feel safe.
  • Once you can see the attacker is no longer a threat and feel safe, leave the area.

Variation: Once you have completed step 3, you can move back in and give further attacks if you feel the attacker is still a threat, but only if no weapon such as a knife is present.

Getting Off The Line When Exiting 

Main Steps Involved:

  • After every defense you must get off the line of the attacker whether you are moving and scanning or fleeing
  • Flee at an angle to avoid being chased in a straight line as it is harder to attack someone running on an angle
  • Look back while fleeing to make sure you are not being chased

Deliver A Punch And Palm

Main Steps Involved:

  • Extend arm in a straight line from elbow to fist
  • Simultaneously Pivot foot on the punching arm side, pivoting inwards
  • Extend arm and strike in a whip like motion, recoiling straight away back to the hands up position (passive, semi passive or fighting)
  • Keep hand open and close on impact
  • Move away or flee immediately

Downward Vertical Hammer

Main steps involved:

  • Raise arm just above forehead with a 90-degree bend and an open hand
  • Bring hand downwards towards attackers face keeping a slight bend in arm
  • Simultaneously Pivot foot on the punching arm side, pivoting inwards
  • Strike in a whip like motion, recoiling straight away back to the hands up position (passive, semi passive or fighting)
  • Keep hand open and close on impact

Horizontal Sideways Hammer

Main Steps Involved:

  • Turn your head to look at attacker and simultaneously bring hands up in a semi passive position
  • Begin turning towards attacker by pivoting with the opposite foot to the hand your striking with
  • Close your fist on impact, driving your fist through the attacker’s head
  • Recoil immediately
  • Move and scan or flee


Main Steps Involved:

  • Bob down slightly to the side that the uppercut will be delivered from, by bending slightly at the knees
  • Form the side you have bobbed down to, explosively push up with your leg while simultaneously pivoting your foot and uppercutting
  • Keep arm bent at about 90 degrees and drive fist under the attacker’s chin, closing fist on impact not beforehand.
  • Strike in a whip-like motion, recoiling immediately

Hook Punch

Main Steps Involved:

  • Without lowering arm, drive hand across our face connecting to attackers face with a 90-degree bend in our arm

  • Keep hand open and close on impact

  • Simultaneously Pivot foot on the punching arm side, pivoting inwards

  • Recoil immediately

How To Knee

Main Steps Involved (single):

  • Raise knee and drive up into attackers groin
  • Lean back slightly
  • Push hip forwards
  • Move away or flee immediately

Main Steps Involved (multiple):

  • Grab the attacker’s trapezius muscle with one hand and the attackers tricep with your opposite hand
  • Simultaneously pull the attacker towards your knee and deliver a knee to the groin, ensuring your foot pushes off the ground, hips are pushed forward, and leaning back slightly.
  • Bring your foot back to the ground and repeat.
  • Deliver further attacks, move away or flee immediately

Regular Front Kick

Main Steps Involved:

  • Raise knee and extend leg forward towards attacker’s groin or knee
  • Lean back slightly and extend hip forward
  • After contact recoil leg
  • Move away or flee immediately

Defensive Front Kick

Main Steps Involved:

  • Raise knee and extend leg forward towards attacker’s chest area
  • Lean back slightly and extend hip forward
  • After contact recoil leg
  • Move away or flee immediately

Basic Attack Combination

Main Steps Involved:

  • From a kicking range deliver a regular front kick to the attacker’s groin, landing in a fight stance
  • Deliver a two-straight punch combination followed by a knee/knees
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Prevention Using Palm Stop

Main Steps Involved:

  • Simultaneously step back and place palm on attacker’s chest with your finger touching attackers throat
  • Push forward with your palm and extend fingers into attackers throat
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Prevention Using 3 Outside Defenses

Main Steps Involved:

  • Redirect attackers arm with your hand leading with either your small finger, thumb or back of your hand depending on your natural reaction
  • Move your head back and pivot body
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Prevention Using Inside Forearm

Main Steps Involved:

  • Simultaneously redirect attackers arm with your hand and move your head back while pivoting your body 90 degrees
  • Keep your opposite hand up
  • Move away and scan or exit getting off the line

Defend Against One Handed Shirt Grab (hard release)

Main Steps Involved:

  • Attack immediately using a basic combination or any attacks
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Defend Against One Handed Shirt Grab (soft release)

Main Steps Involved:

  • Step back 90-degrees with your opposite leg away from the attacker’s hand
  • Bring your inside arm straight up in the air ensuring your bicep is touching your ear
  • Bring your opposite hand up
  • Rotate your arm in the air forward in two big circle motions, ensuring your arm makes contact to your head and torso for both motions
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Defend Against Shirt Grab (when all else fails)

Main Steps Involved:

  • When the rotation fails place your hand on the rear shoulder area of the attacker
  • Turn towards the attacker by stepping with your outside leg towards attacker, making sure your knees end up parallel to each other
  • Place your opposite hand on top of your hand that has been placed on attackers shoulder
  • Bow forward at the hips while stepping backwards as the attacker lower to the ground
  • Move away and scan or exit getting off the line

Defend Against Two Handed Shirt Grab From The Front (soft)

Main Steps Involved:

  • Step back 90-degrees with your opposite leg away from the attacker
  • Simultaneously raise your elbow up in front of the attacker’s head and in front of your head
  • Grab attackers hand by placing your hand on top of the attackers outside hand, placing your fingers underneath the attacker’s small finger padded palm area
  • Place your opposite palm on the fingers of your hand that is on top of the attacker’s hand
  • Step back towards attacker ensuring your knees are parallel
  • Bow forward using your hips ensuring your hands are still on the attacker’s hands
  • Release attacker when they lower to the ground
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Defend Against Two Handed Shirt Grab From The Front (hard)

Main Steps Involved:

  • Step back 90-degrees with your opposite leg away from the attacker
  • Simultaneously raise your elbow up in front of the attacker’s head and in front of your head
  • Deliver a horizontal sideways hammer
  • Deliver further attacks or combinations
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Defend Against Shirt Grab From The Rear

Main Steps Involved:

  • Simultaneously turn to face the potential attacker and bring your inside arm up and place your bicep on your ear
  • Bring your opposite hand up
  • Push the threat away
  • Move and scan or exit getting off the line

Defend Against Shirt Grab From The Rear (hard release)

Main Steps Involved:

  • Simultaneously turn to face the potential attacker and bring your inside arm up and place your bicep on your ear
  • Bring your opposite hand up
  • Deliver a 45 degree downward hammer
  • Deliver further attacks or combinations

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